

Vedic BOUNTY’s Amrut Prashn ayurvedic Immunity Boosters for Children

Original price was: ₹1,200.00.Current price is: ₹600.00.

Immune system to fight against the diseases becomes stronger.

1. Boosts Immune system : Immune system to fight against the diseases becomes stronger.

2. Enhances Memory : Grasping power, analysis power, and recall memory become sharper.

3. Improves Digestion : Digestion becomes easier and more powerful.

4. Nourishes the skin : Tones up skin color and texture.

5. Reduces mental agitation : Reduces Temper and Tantrums.

Amrut Prashan Contains : Silver

It is the main ingredient of ‘Amrut Prashn’. It is used in the form of  ‘Bhashma’. It has many good properties of which main are to remove or neutralize toxins in the body, improve skin tone and texture and to purify blood. It is very good for eyes, skin and brain power and Works on epilepsy and Schizophrenia It is Anti-microbial and works on auto-immune disorders. Balances ‘Doshas’

Baheda: part of trifala and is GIT purifier.Vaj: Good in cough/cold, anti-microbial, improves intelligence and is धातु पोषक

Hing: Hing extract is – purifier, Works on वात तंत्र

Haldi: anti viral, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti cancer properties, Normally haldi has 2-4% curcumin in it (active ingredient) while we use purest from of its extract which has 8-10% curcumin in it.

Panch Gavya Ghrit: This is a preparation of pure desi cow ghee which is enriched with 18 active ayurvedic ingredients. The process of enriching is very complex and it is an art. It has many neurological benefits including its benefit in epilepsy and schizophrenia. It is also a blood purifier and works on auto-immune disorders


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Vedic BOUNTY’s Amrut Prashn ayurvedic Immunity Boosters for Children

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